Flying Zeal Herb Pills to increase the fly time of pigeon.
No chemical, No Harm.
Flying Zeal Pills For Pigeon Time Increase Formula is used to increase pigeons flying time increase. Pigeon fanciers around the world are using this unique product for winning pigeon flying competitions. It is a Ayurvedic pills that enhances the performance of flyer pigeons during Time. Flying Zeal is a well-known pigeon flying time herb formula that increases the performance of pigeons. For extraordinary results combined with a high-fat diet.
Advantages of Flying Zeal Pills
- The pigeon will not get tired during flight.
- The pigeon will not feel thirsty.
- This will give enthusiasm to the pigeon to fly.
- It has a lot of strength, due to which the pigeon will not feel weakness while flying.
- Any kind of pain will not be felt due to fatigue during flight in pigeon’s wings, bone and Muscle.
- This will increase the pigeon’s flying stamina, by which its flying time will also increase.
- Increases the ability of pigeon to fly in high temperature and does not allow it to heat up.
- With this, the pigeon’s heart, liver and crop remain cool, by which it feels less heat.
How To Use Flying Zeal Pills
You can give Flying Zeal Pills to pigeon before Flying with normal water.
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