Aseel Rosster Canker Symptoms and Treatment

Do your Rooster and Hens have Canker Disease? “

is a term we often get from customers, and many times, hear their desperation in their voice when they have a serious case in their flock. Canker in birds is a deceiving and persistent condition that should not be taken lightly, however, with proper observation, preparation, and preventative measures, you can learn to live with it while minimising the number of cases.

What is Canker, Anyway?

Canker, scientifically known as Trichomonas columbae, is a microscopic protozoan parasite that affects the bird’s digestive tract, which includes the crop, throat, and other internal areas. Infection often leads to inflammation and ulceration in the upper digestive tract, which is usually in the form of the commonly seen yellow, cheesy-like lesions in the mouth and throat.    Pictured above: a microscopic look at the canker organism, known as a trichononad. Their fast motility, which is done by their tail (Axial rod), allows them to quickly move and cross-contaminate. Contrary to what some fanciers and enthusiasts believe, canker is not a bacteria or virus, so treating it with an antibiotic or anti-viral suppressant will not eradicate the trichomonads – it’ll only help with secondary infections (if they are bacterial and/or viral).

Identifying Canker and its Common Symptoms 

Canker can be easily mistaken for other types of ailments that produce similar in-mouth sore which include: Mycotoxicosis (ingestion of toxic grains) Capillary Worms Calvary Stones Sour Crop (fungal) *Wet Pox (viral) Since many conditions may look like canker, the only way to get a definite diagnosis is to consult with a veterinarian or by examining a sample under a microscope.


High mortality, especially in young birds/chicks Accumulated mucus in the throat Difficulty Swallowing Vomiting Yellow or whitish cheesy/crusty growths in their mouth and throat Weight loss Difficulty breathing *Puffed feathers *High mortality, especially in young birds/chicks

How is Canker Transmitted and which Birds are more Susceptible?

Canker organisms rely on the intimate relationship between it and the host so it does not survive in an outside environment for too long. It thrives on transmitting itself in saliva and crop milk so it primarily spreads via contaminated water, food, and through the parents’ feeding the young. This, along with upward to 80% Rooster and Hen already being natural carriers of canker, makes it extremely difficult to prevent and control the transmission. Pigeons are the most susceptible but it’s also a very common illness in chickens and cage birds – both showing similar symptoms. As you could imagine, young birds in the nest, and chicks, have the weakest immune systems (and are fed crop milk) so fanciers and enthusiasts mainly experience canker in their flock within this age group. They also experience a higher mortality rate since they have not fully developed. Additionally, canker during the young and old bird race seasons (pigeons) is also very common since these birds are regularly exposed to the environment, open watering sources, and other wild birds. Free-range chickens also experience higher cases of canker since they are also exposed to the environment and other wild birds.

How to Treat and Prevent:

What is challenging about canker is that it can become immune to specific active ingredients, so alternating them throughout the year is advised. However, it cannot be fully controlled with only medication. A thorough preventative treatment on all stock birds prior to breeding should be administered. When breeding, all young birds and chicks should be checked daily. Additionally, young birds and chicks should be treated with Our Products (which has a wide safety margin) for 3-5 days after they’ve weaned from the parents. Canker flare-ups can also occur during periods of high stress such as racing, showing, transporting, and breeding. Preventative treatment (whether individual or flock) should be considered. Unfortunately, secondary infections are also common when a bird is infected with canker, and at times are the main reason for death. Common secondary infections include: Salmonella Coccidiosis E.coli Mycoplasma (respiratory)

Common canker active ingredients in medication are:

* COCKEREL Canker Powder.  Canroos

Aseel Rooster Mouth Canker Medicine – Canroos Powder

Warning: the above canker active ingredients should not be used on birds whose meat or products are intended for human consumption. Some canker treatments come in a Powder form and only require you to treat for 3-5 days. This is the most effective way of treating sick birds since each one is insured their required daily dosage to properly eradicate it. Treatment Process:- Throat Cancer / Cancer, Oral Cancer / Stomach Cancer * In the morning and evening after water and grain, give Cancer Powder) Do not water from above. Give this medicine for 5-7 days. Caution: – Do not touch the wound.


* For Cock 3 times more than black gram. उपचार प्रक्रिया:- गले का कैंसर/कंकर (सफेद रेशेदार गांठ), मुंह का कैंसर/कंकर।(सफेद रेशेदार गांठ), पोट में कैंसर/कंकर सुबह ओर शाम दाना-पानी खिलाने के बाद “कंकर पाउडर दें। उपर से पानी ना दें॥ यह दवा 5-7 दिन दें॥ सावधानी:- जखम के साथ कोई भी शेड-शाड न करें।


* मुर्गे के लिए काले चने से 3 गुना ज्यादा दें।   ਇਲਾਜ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਕਿਰਿਆ:- ਗਲ਼ੇ ਦਾ ਕੈਂਸਰ / ਕੰਕਰ (ਚਿੱਟਾ ਰੇਸ਼ੇ ਦੀ ਗੱਠ) , ਮੂੰਹ ਦਾ ਕੈਂਸਰ / ਕੰਕਰ (ਚਿੱਟਾ ਰੇਸ਼ੇ ਦੀ ਗੱਠ), ਪੋਟ ਦੀ ਕੰਕਰ (ਚਿੱਟਾ ਰੇਸ਼ੇ ਦੀ ਗੱਠ) ਇਲਾਜ ਦੀ ਵਿਧੀ:- ਸਵੇਰੇ ਅਤੇ ਸ਼ਾਮ ਨੂੰ ਦਾਣੇ ਪਾਣੀ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ, “ਕੰਕਰ ਪਾਉਡਰ ਦਿਓ। ਉੱਪਰੋਂ ਪਾਣੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਦੇਣਾ। ਇਸ ਦਵਾਈ ਨੂੰ 3-5 ਦਿਨ ਦਿਓ। ਸਾਵਧਾਨ:– ਜ਼ਖ਼ਮ ਨਾਲ ਕੋਈ ਪਵੀ ਛੇੜ ਛਾੜ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ।


 * ਕਾਲੇ ਚਨੇ ਨਾਲੋਂ 3 ਗੁਣਾ ਜ਼ਿਆਦਾ ਕੁੱਕੜ/ਕੁਕੜੀ ਨੂੰ ਦਿਓ। 

कबूतर के पैरों और पंखों की गांठें ट्यूमर का मुख्य कारण और इलाज हैं

कबूतर के पैरों और पंखों की गांठें ट्यूमर का मुख्य कारण और इलाज हैं

पंखों और पैरों पर गांठें (ट्यूमर):


यह समस्या ज्यादातर ब्रीडर और बड़े कबूतरों में पाई जाती है। इसका मुख्य कारण यह है कि हम ब्रीडर कबूतरों को अधिक पालते हैं, लेकिन वे उन्हें उचित भोजन देने में ज्यादा दिलचस्पी नहीं लेते हैं और उनके भोजन और पानी में पोषक तत्वों की कमी होती है। जिससे उनकी मौजूदा रक्त कोशिकाएं भी कमजोर हो जाती हैं। खून साफ़ नहीं होता. या खून की मात्रा कम हो जाती है और खून में बलगम अधिक होने पर भी कबूतरों के पैरों और पंखों में गांठें बनने लगती हैं।

दूसरा कारण यह है कि हम कबूतरखाने की साफ-सफाई पर ज्यादा ध्यान नहीं देते। हम इसे काफी देर बाद साफ करते हैं. जिससे कई बैक्टीरिया बन जाते हैं जो वायरस में बदल जाते हैं। बाद में बीमारी वायरस में बदल जाती है. कबूतरों में यह समस्या बहुत तेजी से विकसित होती है। हमने पाया है कि हमारे पास जितने भी पुराने जोड़े और अधिक उम्र के नर कबूतर हैं, उनमें इस बीमारी का खतरा बहुत जल्दी है। उचित इलाज न मिल पाने के कारण गांठ (ट्यूमर) बढ़ जाती है। जिसके कारण वह ठीक से चल नहीं पाता। वह हमेशा तकलीफ में रहता है इसलिए वह कम खुराक खाता है तो यही कारण है कि यही बीमारी और कमजोरी उसकी मृत्यु का कारण बनती है।


महत्वपूर्ण नोट:- ध्यान रखें कि जब भी आपके कबूतर को कोई ऐसी बीमारी हो तो यदि आपके कबूतर में गांठ (ट्यूमर) बन रही हो तो उसे ज्यादा बढ़ने न दें और सही समय पर उसका इलाज शुरू कर दें क्योंकि गांठ जितनी बड़ी होगी। (ट्यूमर), इसे ठीक होने में उतना ही अधिक समय लगेगा। उसके इलाज में उतना ही अधिक समय लगेगा. कबूतर को उतना ही अधिक कष्ट होगा और इस कष्ट के कारण वह कमजोर भी हो जाएगा जिससे उसकी मृत्यु की संभावना बढ़ जाएगी।

अबोलिश लंप: इस दवा को देने का समय और मात्रा।
इस दवा की 5 से 10 बूँदें सुबह-शाम सादे पानी में मिलाकर कबूतर को दें। जब तक कबूतर पूरी तरह से ठीक न हो जाए तब तक इलाज करें।

दवा की संभाल: सूखी और ठंडी जगह रखें।


FORMULATION: Ayurvedic Syrup

Each 10 ml is prepared from Rubia cordifolia (Rt/Manjistha) 85mg. Cyperus rotundus (Rz./Nagarmotha) 85mg. Holanhena antidysenterica (Bk/Kutaj Chhal) 85mg. Azadirachta indica (Bk/Nimba) 85mg. Crataeva nurvala (Bk/Varun Chhal) 85mg.Inula racemosa (Rt/Pratinidhi Dravya of Kuth) 85mg, Clerodendrum Serratum (WP/Bharangi) 85mg. Acorus Calamus (Rz./Vacha) 85mg. Curcuma longa (Rz/Haridra) 85mg, Berberis aristata (Rt/Daru Haridra) 85mg, Terminalia chebula (Ft/Hartki) 85mg, Emblica officinalis (Ft/Amla) 85mg. Terminalia bellirica (Ft/Bahera) 85mg, Solanum xanthocarpum (WP/Kantkari) 85mg Trichosanthes dioica (Lf/Patol patra) 85mg. Picrorhiza kurroa (Rt /Kutki) 85mg, Chonemorpha macrophylla (Rt/Murvamula) 85mg, Citrullus colocynthis (Rt/Indra varuni) 85mg. Hemidesmusmus indicus (Rt/sariva) 85mg. Embelia ribes (Ft./Vidang) 85mg. Pluchea lanceolata (Lf./Rasna) 85mg. Asparagus recemosus (Rt./Satavari) 85mg, Adathoda vasica (W.P./Vasaka) 85mg, Eclipta Alba (WP/Bhringraj) 85mg, Cedrus deodara (H.W/Devdaru) 85mg, Cissampelos pareira (WP/Patha) 85mg. Acacia catechu (H.Wd./Khadir) 85mg, Pterocarpus santalinus (H.Wd./Rakt Chandan) 85mg. Tinospora cordifolia (St./Guduchi) 85mg, Operculina turpethum (Rt/Trivrat) 85mg, Cassia fistula (Ft/Amaltas) 85mg, Shorea robusta (Resin/Sal) 85mg, Psoralea corylifolia (Sd/Bakuchi) 85mg. Caesalpina bonducell (Sd./Karanju beej) 85mg. Pavonia odorata (WP/Netrabala) 85mg. Aconitum heterophyllum (Rt./Atis) 85mg. Zinziber officinale (Rz /Soanth) 85mg. Woodfordia fruticosa (FI/Dhaiphool) 300mg Jaggery(Gud) QS

Pigeon Pox Treatment Medicine and Symptoms

Pigeon pox is a viral disease to which only pigeons are susceptible. It is characterized by pox scabs, which most frequently form on the featherless parts of the bird. The disease is caused by the Pigeon pox virus.  It can be transmitted by droplet infection from one animal to another, or more commonly through infected insects or the digestion of contaminated food or water.

Pigeons are used in biomedical research for studies of vision, cognition, neuronal pathways, and spatial orientation. Because there are few commercial laboratory sources, research pigeons are typically acquired from local fancier breeders or bred onsite. For acquired pigeons, the health and vaccine status is often unknown. A juvenile pigeon, born onsite and living in an enclosed outdoor loft, presented with small, bleeding, wart-like lesions on the medial aspects of digits 1 and 4. Topical treatment was initiated. Within a week, 4 fledglings were reported for small, dark papular lesions on the face, head, neck, and beak, and shortly thereafter, 2 additional juvenile pigeons developed similar lesions. The fledglings were euthanized, and histologic examination revealed numerous intralesional eosinophilic cytoplasmic viral inclusions (Bollinger bodies) confirming a diagnosis of poxvirus infection, likely pigeon pox. Although usually self-limiting, pigeon pox can cause moderate to severe lesions in fledgling and juvenile birds. Vaccination with a modified live poxvirus labeled for chickens was used to create herd immunity to pigeon poxvirus. Since vaccination of our entire flock and implementation of more stringent health protocols, all lesions have resolved, and no new lesions have been noted.

Worldwide best medicine for pigeon pox. POX TREATOR GEL and POX RELIEF GEL.

Medicine Preparation: Wash wounds with plain water and clean with a clean cloth. Apply Pox Gel ointment to the wound with your finger. The medicine should be applied only once and not again. Apply coconut oil daily on the wounds from the next day until they are clean.

Caution: The medicine should not go into the eye.

Medicine Result and Preparation Video: Click Here The Link Given Below

If you Want Pox Medicine Click Here The Link Given Below



Pigeon Coccidiosis Disease Symptoms

Coccidiosis is highly infectious and quite a common illness that infects the intestines of birds. It usually exists to some degree in all pigeons, but most adult birds produce sufficient immunity to the disease to continue to be healthy.


Signs of a Coccidiosis infection in pigeons include:

  • Loss of appetite and weight-loss
  • Birds sit puffed up on perches with a lack of energy or motivation
  • Droppings are usually extremely loose, greenish in color, and may turn very watery
  • Death can occur in young birds

Young pigeons are most typically infected, or birds that have been subjected to severe stress (i.e. racing, exhibiting, lack of food and water, or relocation). Adult birds may become contaminated from consuming unclean water or from coming into contact with moist droppings.

Treatment for Coccidiosis

There are a wide range of treatments specially formulated to treat coccidiosis in All type pigeons. Best and fast relief complete treatments, such as Infapet Syrup, Liv Life Syrup and Panacea Pills are generally easier to administer.

That said, if you’re just treating a few birds a medicine treatment may be more effective.

Treatment duration: 3 to 5 days.

If you Want This Medicine Click Here The Link Given Below

Preventing Coccidiosis

In addition to administering for complete preventatives such as a 4 medicine pack (which also cover coccidiosis Diarrhea, Crop Infection, Digestion and internal parasites such as worms).

You should try to keep the loft dry and sanitary.

Do not allow feed to come into contact with droppings, and disinfect drinkers often and race baskets weekly. Additionally, whenever possible don’t let the birds drink from gutters or mud puddles.

Another thing to be mindful of is when bringing new birds into the loft they should ideally be isolated at first, since they may facilitate the spread of coccidiosis to your healthy birds. Pigeons returning from a race need to be provided with a preventative remedy shortly following their return, especially if out overnight.Post navigation

Bird Eye Disease Information

Avian Eye Disorders

Birds can suffer from many different eye disorders. They can be due to an eye injury, or possibly an infection to the area. Occasionally, eye disorders are symptoms of another underlying medical problem. Therefore, if your bird has an eye problem, it should be considered serious and you should consult a veterinarian to rule out any major internal disease.

Symptom and Types

Conjunctivitis, a common eye disorder, is usually caused by bacteria and can be identified as red and swollen eyelids, and may lead to photosensitivity (avoidance of light) in the bird. Conjunctivitis is also a symptom of many other medical problems, including respiratory infections.

Uveitis causes an inflammation of the inner parts of the eye. However, it is commonly associated with symptoms of other internal diseases in the bird. This particular disorder needs to be treated quickly to avoid cataracts from forming.

Cataracts develop in the bird’s eye when there is a deficiency in vitamin E, an infection with encephalomyelitis, or even from continuous exposure to some artificial lights.

Marek’s disease is a particular type of eye disorder that is caused by a viral infection. This medical condition can lead to irregularly shaped pupils, iris problems blindness, and can progress into cancer. Vaccination can prevent this eye disorder from occurring. However, a bird that is already infected with the virus, cannot be cured.

Avian Pox is another eye disorder which is found in birds, and is due to a viral infection. Though it is a generalized disease, the eye symptoms include swelling of the eyelids with blister-like formations, and partial or total loss of vision. However, the eyeball is not affected by the infection and the vision usually returns after the infection is treated.


Many eye disorders are caused by bacterial infections (i.e., salmonella). This particular bacteria causes both conjunctivitis and ophthalmitis — inflammation with pus in the eyeball and conjunctiva — and possible blindness. In addition, salmonella is contagious and often spread from parent to your bird, or genetically through the egg yolk.

Fungal infections of the eye can also lead to bird eye disorders, usually because of moldy feed. One common fungi, Aspergillus, infects the bird’s respiratory system, but can also affect brain and eyes. The infected eye will show yellow plaques under the eyelid. The eye will also have inflammation, and if left untreated, this infection can result in severe eye damage.

Vitamin deficiency is another cause of eye disorders in birds. For instance, a deficiency in vitamin E in the parent can lead to the birth of a blind chick. And vitamin A is required for proper pigmentation and tearing of the eyes. To prevent such deficiencies, give your bird commercial feed.


If your bird show signs of discomfort or symptoms of any eye disorder — such as the eyes close, swell, become red, discharge a substance, or blink more than usual — be sure to get the bird checked by the veterinarian for immediate treatment. Antibiotic eye drops or other medicines can help in dealing with the eye disorder at an early stage.


Prevention of certain types of eye disorders are dependent on the symptoms found in the bird. But, timely medical intervention can save the bird from suffering, as well as any serious eye damage.

Best Eye Treatment Medicine For Bird